Friday, December 28, 2012

Funding thank you! 08-$

And the funds began through the storms.....

Senate approves $60.4 billion Superstorm Sandy reconstruction bill

Funded with Funds after the Funding!

Just like that And after the test drive because you were IN/ON And Yes/No Eric Satchwill was Right/Good/Understood now that you got the 'allgirl' married Right side up.....Continue Rusnak to fulfill Quota!This way please!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


To state to declare supernatural sisters we are but then again there is more for the mysteries belong to Almighty God and it is 'karinsita's' Heavenly Father who appointed 'ME' to write accordingly IN Harmony IN Sync because the KMA continues!

:::Iglesia de Cristo Ebenezer Honduras:::

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Funds Funded Funding

Let 'me'(ministerio ebenezer)USA/Canada recount the ways:  the church is full;Apostol Ponce Sr. Is active in all;Pastor Kuty Ponce available for teaching;Rusnak is busier than ever And has grown to 9 lines of cars...AS A Whole we have all grown because 'se cumplio'/5:4/ It is exactly AS declared God\ME 'no se destruye a la primojenita/kain spencer/babe/baby/allgirl or her babes [all];no se destruye a la ciudad' IN/ON right side up the rest well you know.....

karin spencer - Google Search

Funded in the fifth for the F Type

Look because Karin Spencer gets to have fun while she waits for Eric Satchwill to get it all arranged because Rusnak understands now that the allgirl takes such pleasure IN being married and redeemed herself with US And this is PR for Rusnak writing because we bought 'karinsita' thank you Ministerios Ebenezer C.A.:Apostol Sergio and Leti Enriquez!!!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Funded in the coat of many colors 'babe'

What goes up must come down so are you getting 'karinsita' yet?? Because its in the micro you will get the macro...Uhmm que Honda;Hyundai And now the Audi;Acura Huh.....

Rusnak Automotive

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Funded Funding Funds Fund

Look please our ministry proves the five fold ministry where it was said it was not any more or there are NO more Apostles when Pastor Chuck Smith is the one to be called the first IN/ON Calvary chapel.  This is 'Karinsita's' new beginning ON/IN ASked to get out of the church/me usa to prove all things too religious starting with 'eric satchwill' ;LGBT can they be saved really how about the prodigals how about the backsliders all others undecided undeclared not predestined can thy receive Christ?? huh??humm?? Huh?? Uhmm!!!!!  SO that is why Karin Spencer remains Not for destruction right side up moving in Reconstruction for the funded because we did it to the least;a woman who held for 20 years IN/ON predestination for the perfect time to come out AS proclaimed 'El Año de liberacion' SO it was with our spiritual daughter 'karinsita' being the last/first now first/last!!

Watch "La Pelea Tribulacionaria" on YouTube

Funds Funding Funded Funded

BYA what??  An arranged marriage in the 20th Century??  And she does not get to see or date Eric Satchwill unless he changes things around because he has had it backwatds upside down in this Century because Pasadena's community and Government's red tape advised him so?? AS A whole that is how it went down but 'karinsita' is IN/ON love with Eric Satchwill or whatever his name is because it was sexual first and spiritual second and supernatural third than there was another Henrik Voskanian and its complicated so dont ask.  Arranged marriage please!!

karin spencer - Google Search

Because he lives ON/IN karinsita:spiritual daughter 'Folks' this is the memo have you been following GOD\'ME'/karin spencer/eric satchwill/me

Apostol Sergio And Leti Enriquez spiritual parents of 'karinsita': Because they comprise the mini Christ!!

Funds Funding Funded Fund

What did you say about God\ME if you said it to humm you said it to 'me'/karinsita and you said it to you!! Mirror Mirror on the wall because Eric has become multilingual he heard that and we are one #1 soon to physically manifest upon 'babe's';allgirl's;babes;baby finalized divorce proceedings judge please!!

Eric Satchwill/Karin Spencer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Because Rusnak's is #1 And expanding up north in The Inland Empire And soon LA 'allgirl' with Rusnak all the way because she belongs to Rusnak and did expand US and 'y se cumplio'!!

Funds Funding Funded after the Reconstruct Rebuild Remodel

BYA IN/ON cue tehachapi do you remember RUN Again!!  What is A surrogate President??  You sir!!

Mitt Romney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Funds Funding Funded

Because you addressed it on your broadcast too much restrictions too much government one incident blown out of proportion when there are many incidents daily in all our cities;states on all citizens in the USA :Matthew Spencer concurred representing the High School population that loves to read and research from non Christian sources.  To see each other is not a mystery why did it become this way in a world of spirituality;christianity;the supernatural and why does the government have to stop karin/eric with red tape??what is rightfully citizens freedoms should be changed to pray and influence through christianhood is the most powerful course of action the rest is in the lobbying etc...

CBN - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Because Jimmy & Karen answered;advised;instructed you on 'karinsita' thtough FB;Television and proprietary ways to prove predestination and the 5th coat of many colors IN/ON always been:obedient/karinsita Are you getting/understanding this because we the Christians are the light the salt of the earth and this is how the 'allgirl' gets raised up restored reconstructed all of US have to physically;tangibly help and it goes to our account on/in earth and heaven!!!!!


Monday, December 17, 2012

The rescue;restored was complete IN/ON Christ

Becaise it is right side up for everything ill;badly spoken;curse over 'karinsita' because it has become a blessing so 'estas loca you are crazy estas inventando' is all the opposite/alrevez because these are all real true events with a true story of real people from.philip karin eric mitchell matthew ministerios ebenezer usa Ministerios Ebenezer Guatemala Calvary Chapel and all my entourage of Christianhood they are all real so is Rusnak Bokaos and Hasblady so there!!

karin spencer - Google Search

Eric Satchwill will propose because he knows the value in on karinsita

Eric Satchwill/Karin Spencer live out this movie right side up 'allgirl' is tomgirl/tomboy because of the rescue became 'one' we saved each other because a bachelor is lonely;desparare;.with no stability no focus no train of thought till his dying day thus an arranged marriage;a predestined marriage;a desired marriage we are now to happen when Eric Satchwill proposes AS he should because in a Christian marriage its upside down from the world you marry then you fall in/on love so there!!

pride and prejudice the movie - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Adam Eve's mariiage/union and the proven marriage in Karinsita's

Because The Heavenly Father works through the Trinity but its not stated;not written;literally not found written in thr Holy Bible but in progresdive/regressive;major;mini;macro;micro;right side up;up side down;marriage;divorce;complex;simple God is infinite and it takes a lifetime to discover reference TD Jakes because his ministry molded 'karinsita' through videos;tv;virtually also along with the entourage of Christianhood proving karin spencer's amazing ministry and all referenced intertwined with 'Ministerios Ebenezer' Guatemala and for A time such AS this karin spencer is to be reconstructed experience joy;peace laughter AS she should because babe has lived 20 years of depression sadness hopelesness AS A Christian under Apostol Dr. Othoniel Blanquita's leadership spiritually for the ushering of what is what will be and has thus proven the 4th dimension IN/ON karin spencer's divorce which should be no more than a few months in the prophetic;reality;actuality.....

God the Father in the Bible - Search results - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Saturday, December 15, 2012

The funds in 'ya se cumplio' comes when the marriage happens in real life

Because you are awesome And I love to you all because I see the awesome reconstruction you began in the 'allgirl; and it parallels the RRR because 'babe' is now in line for Eric Satchwill to court in time.....

Rusnak Rolls-Royce Motor Cars

Funded ya se cumplio!!

Because I am indeed eternally greatful to my hero and I heard you all!!  But mainly when you scolded Eric Satchwill for doing good and doing right that is why I declared him.he can do no wrong in right side up so it is and if you see memos etc of eric satchwill to karin spencet saying what should not be said to karin spencer it is because he was not getting/understanding babe.....

eric satchwill - Google Search

For all car sales see Eric Satchwill

Because the 'allgirl' doesn't work at Rusnak Porsche but has her awesome place everywhere;anywhere;anytime;everytime Rusnak because we are opening up new dealerships because she said its in the 'ya se cumplio' SO by faith it is done and it will materialize just like karinsita;karin spencer;babes;babe;baby is we will be and to grow increase expand just like her 'me' has;had;will the rest its complicated SO dont ASk.....


Because it is already done by faith in the physical real you will come to see it materialized

Te Oigo!!Porque Rosana que casa los lobos me llamo me ministro en un mensaje como se jace pero para declar y ayudar a todos en si se necesita como le he vivido y declarado y para la 5 dimension por favor de seguirme/guiarme porque 12 necesito que me guien/siguan solo tengo 8 y para comprobarnos que seguimos EN gozo paz regocijo EN la aseguranza que tengo UN Padre Celestial que a todos los trae a casa por karinsita;karin spencer;babe;babes:baby;allgirl!!!!!

Carlos Lobos - Iglesia de Cristo Espada de Dos Filos

Thursday, December 13, 2012

The funds are released already

Para Reportar EL punto de 'jugar' prodiga y EN obediencia bajo EL liderazgo De Apostol Sergio/Leti Enriquez y solucionar lo que se veia ser un desastre no lo es estaba alrevez porque era para restaurar. 'karinsita'/me\mitchell/matthew porque para esta hora fueron llamados y no seran abergonzados y si terminaran su carrera en gozo porque karin spencer se casara con el que 'es' suyo y ya esta por fe en lo 'ya se cumplio' como todo su trabajo completamente dedicado para ME/ELIM/MIEL/Calvary Chapel.  Y para traer a los prodigos karin spencer fue la apropriada para enseñar como se sienten como se atraen conforme a nuestra doctrina progresiva\regresiva los restauramos EN SI para empezar la quinta dimencion y todos invitados al matrimonio!!

karin spencer - Google Search

For the Funding has happened y 'SE Cumplio'

Apostol Mario Rivera is to be honored because the claims due his name I fulfilled having children the way declared look at Mitchell/Matthew in a progressive yet regressive way because the supernatural and the spiritual exist just like the dark side is believed we are the light side!!  Full Assist please Romper Romper todo falso por favor y todo anti Cristiano que 'me' ligo;obligo a ser prodiga para comprobar lo que nos va ha pasar!!!!!

Llamados a conquistar Ebenezer Oregon

The funds are here when I get married to the 'El que es mio'

To declare and to state All postings referring to Eric Satchwill everywhere are referring to 'El que ES suyo' Clemencia's order thus to fulfill the 'plug in accounting' because he is/was real to serve A purpose but no more because he was always what my ex philip spencer was to me EL Falso an 'anti christ' if you will so I will move freely in my hometown of Pasadena and will indeed get married AS I need to because I honor;forgive;love all!!

karin spencer - Google Search

The Funding will get done because karin spencer is to be married in right side up

To declare TO state the reasons the seasons the purposes of all that has transpired to our 'allgirl';'sweetgirl';'babe';'babes';'baby';karinsita was for everyone ASSigned to provide A full ASSist in the matter of bringing about a restoration but it began at Pasadena/Rusnak/Eric Satchwill/Aveda/Hasblady all doing their part in the best possible way they could but completely out of order and out of chain of command and out of sync with the spiritual and the supernatural that can only be handled by her spiritual parents Apostol Sergio/Leti Enriquez Ministerios Ebenezer Guatemala C.A.  because karin spencer only moves IN authority thus her design spiritually\biologically and why she is owned by GOD\ME 'if you will' so you can understand thus it is how a spiritual daughter functions.

Proclama Profética 2012

Funds here there everywhere for me to grab 'como me de la gana' 'en aderezado' so it is

To declare to state the contradictions can only be handled by 'karinsita'/karin spencer IN/ON sync with all for the funds funding funded to materialize and yes/no because the prophets can indeed be women see the prophetess referenced IN/ON the Bible because we are flexible;adaptable;moldable And IN balance of Cc IN/ON tango because it is no longer about who did?? so on and so forth but it is about karin spencer marrying 'al que realmente 'ES' suyo' so we are materializing and we all need to come together and our part at all levels.  Mysteries and so therefore I make claim to them all because they are going to be complicated and they can only be handled in/on this formula kma:KMA because like my spiritual Parents Apostol Sergio/Leti Enriquez declared what do you want for your children to have way more than you did AS the first born primojenita it is now 'se cumplio' because I fulfilled it all;'she gets to do it all' since 14;I WAS and like this the rest IS AS declared and stated.....

karin spencer - Google Search